Invicta Springboard Tournament, 2007
Article by: Barry Maytum (Tournament Organiser).The Springboard is an annual tournament run by the Invicta Coaching Group for the particular benefit of novice and inexperienced archers. It is therefore restricted to archers who have never reached "Bowman" level in any discipline (target, field or clout archery), but is not limited to members of Kent clubs. This year it took place on Sunday 22 July at Wildernesse School, Sevenoaks, Kent, where the forecast of good weather looked a distant prospect as the field party started setting up. Clouds gathered, the sky darkened and the rain fell.
But when the targets were up, the tent erected and the archers gathered an hour later, the clouds had disappeared and the sun was out. The day got better in every way, apart from a steady breeze in the afternoon.
Of the 67 archers who entered, 56 shot on the day and this year we had the pleasure of having two visually impaired archers, Melissa Carter and Lewis March, shooting. There were, however, fewer juniors shooting this year and we hope that this is not an indication that clubs are taking on fewer.

Thanks go to Mark Davis and Richard Warren for judging, to John Parkin for acting as Lord Paramount, and to Christine, Karen, Margaret and Hilary for their help in keeping control of the scoring and results. Also thanks go to all those who helped in the field party, setting up and clearing away and especially to Ken Bearman for marking out the field the day before.
The competition would not be possible without the help of all of those mentioned.
The results list can be downloaded here (in PDF format).