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- give an overview of current content,
- make it easier to find specific content,
- simplify navigation in older browsers, mobile devices and screen readers.
Kent Archery Association
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This menu reproduces the main navigation, but with a simpler formatting that will:
This section is not just limited to current news - it also includes a full back-history of (erstwhile) current news items, newsletters and feature articles.
This is where the Kent Archery Association honours members who have achieved something special in their archery careers.
Mostly the recognition is given for shooting results - holders of county records, county champions and those who have achieved the highest level of performance. But some awards are to recognise that our sport would not exist without the continuous hard work of a small number of people, who put in a lot of effort behind the scenes and without whom the sport would be less enjoyable for the majority.
These diaries are open to all affiliated clubs to advertise their tournaments free of charge. Please email details to the Webmaster, with either a link to the tournament details and entry form on your club website, or as a PDF document or a Microsoft Word document.
Tournaments advertised on this web site are normally only available to current members of GNAS although some longbow tournaments might also be open to BLBS members. Tournament Organisers are entitled to place additional restrictions on entries, so it is important to check any terms and conditions on the individual tournament entry form.
Where no specific link is available within a diary entry, then please contact the respective club secretary for further information.
Many clubs meet regularly throughout the county; here we provide you with a wide range of information about those clubs and the wherewithal to find one convenient to you.
A wide range of tournaments are held throughout the county and against other neighbouring counties; here we provide you with a wide range of information about those tournaments in the hope that it will inspire you to try your hand.
In this section we will try to provide information about the KAA, for example:
In this section of the site you will find a number of useful forms to help you in your everyday archery plus documents to download that describe many of the administrative aspects of the KAA. Many of them can be printed as booklets - how to do this is described in our printing tips.
All of the forms can be used exactly as they are provided, or you can adapt them for personal or club use, subject to a Creative Commons License.
The Kent Archery Association is the county governing body for archery in Kent; it is a 'Not for Profit' organisation affiliated to:
Copyright © 2006-2014 - Kent Archery Association.
Except where otherwise explicitly stated, this website and content by the Kent Archery Association is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license are explained in our Copyright Information page.