Technical Issues
It is sometimes necessary to release a version of the web site while minor bugs are still present - this is to avoid having to maintain and update the content of multiple versions over a prolonged period while development work continues. Further issues may be identified or reported in the live version of the web site.
A list of known bugs will be maintained and worked through as time permits.
The following issues have been identified:
Ref. | Date Raised | Browser | Version | Description | Seriousness | Status |
0016 | 11 Jul 2014 | IE | 8 | JavaScript errors in several pages. IE8 does not support the .indexOf method for arrays and throws an error; work-arounds have been implemented in kaa-core.js and kaa-record-list.js and the preferred solution (using arrays) has been commented out but left in place, so that it can be readily restored once support for IE8 has ceased. | Medium | Resolved |
0015 | 11 Jul 2014 | IE | 8 | Poor formatting in some pages. The ARTICLE tag (HTML5) is not supported directly and IE8 removes it from the DOM, rather than simply regarding it as a block-level item. A limited solution has been provided with CSS adjustments for IE8, the issue cannot be resolved completely; it could perhaps be resolved using Modernizr, but it is not considered cost effective use of time, given that support for IE8 will cease completely by the end of the current year. | Low | Closed - unresolved |
0014 | 07 Dec 2013 | IE | 11 | The main navigation bar on the 'Current News' page does not show drop-down menus. An HTML coding error was found to cause an unhandled execution error in a JavaScript process; execution terminated before the menu was constructed (in other browsers and versions of IE the error was handled more gracefully and did not result in termination). The coding error was corrected and posted live on 09 December 2013. | High | Resolved |
0013 | 16 Sep 2013 | All | Amended XML data and CSS files sometimes fail to reload automatically and this results data displayed without recent amendments and/or with formatting anomalies. Interim workaround: a sidebar note has been added to pages that load XML data, advising manual page refresh in certain explained circumstances and a short news item has been added to the "Current News" page. 15 Jun 2014: CSS files have been amalgamated where possible and a date-stamp added to file names - this will force browsers to load the current file, provided the date-stamp is always updated for updated files. The down-side is that all HTML pages must be reloaded every time there is a CSS change. | High | Outstanding | |
0012 | 11 Jun 2013 | All | A number of pages incorrectly show the 'date last updated' as the date on which they are being viewed. They are the pages that rely on document.lastModified for the date last updated; however document.lastModified is always reset to 'now' whenever the page is served by ASP.NET. There is no practical work-around, so the correct date has now been added to all such pages and must be amended manually on all future occasions that they are updated. Pages for which the date is driven by data (e.g. champions, clubs, glossary, home, links, news, records) have been commented at the insertion point to the effect that they must not be dated, as the date will be derived from elsewhere and inserted. | High | Resolved | |
0011 | 08 May 2013 | IE | 7 | In pages where tabbed and toggled content both exist, tables This issue is specific to IE7 and is a rendering issue in a long out-of-date browser that has a market share of <0.5% and is no longer supported by us. |
d in toggled content fail to display (even though the exact space that they would occupy is rendered as white space), until a tab button is clicked. High | Closed - unresolved |
0010 | 06 May 2013 | IE | 8 | Club map and list content is not displayed. Remainder of these pages renders correctly and other javascript functionality works correctly, so this appears to be an issue with specific javascript that is not compliant with this browser: Check javascript in club-display.js. The cause was that the JavaScript .trim() method is not supported in IE8 (and earlier); a new function was written and prototyped as a String method, to replace the native function in all browsers. | High | Resolved |
0009 | 29 Apr 2012 | Chrome | 18 | Links sort incorrectly - the primary sort is on "section" and within that a secondary sort on "name" gives erratic results, although javascript sorts should retain the existing order, when the current sort field has a tied value. This browser does not support a stable array sort (i.e. rows with the same sort key value retain their original order); it has therefore been necessary to make fundamental changes to allow simultaneous sort on multiple array 'columns'. | Medium | Resolved |
0009 | 29 Apr 2012 | Opera | 11 | Links sort incorrectly - the primary sort is on "section" and within that a secondary sort on "name" gives erratic results, although javascript sorts should retain the existing order, when the current sort field has a tied value. This browser does not support a stable array sort (i.e. rows with the same sort key value retain their original order); it has therefore been necessary to make fundamental changes to allow simultaneous sort on multiple array 'columns'. | Medium | Resolved |
0008 | 10 May 2011 | IE | 7 | Club map and list content is not displayed (2 reports, both using this browser version). Remainder of these pages renders correctly and other javascript functionality works correctly, so this appears to be an issue with specific javascript that is not compliant with this browser: Check javascript in club-display.js. The cause was a minor syntax error that is auto-corrected by newer parsers, but not in IE7. The syntax error has been corrected. | High | Resolved |
0007 | 01 May 2011 | All | Toggle-able content reacts to mouse clicks anywhere in that content, instead of only on the toggle button: Check javascript in template-controls.js Resolved in website v1.07 as part of the rewrite of toggle javascript. | Medium | Resolved | |
0006b | 05 May 2010 | SlimBrowser | 4.12 | Images inside tabbed parts of pages are not always displayed - the behaviour appears erratic: This is either a rendering issue in the browser or the JavaScript used to create the tabs is not fully compliant. The error is a rendering issue that affects only a couple of low-use browsers and for which the only work-around would be a substantial rewrite of affected pages - this is not considered a worthwhile cost. | Low | Closed - unresolved |
0006a | 05 May 2010 | GreenBrowser | 5.3 | Images inside tabbed parts of pages are not always displayed - the behaviour appears erratic: This is either a rendering issue in the browser or the JavaScript used to create the tabs is not fully compliant. The error is a rendering issue that affects only a couple of low-use browsers and for which the only work-around would be a substantial rewrite of affected pages - this is not considered a worthwhile cost. | Low | Closed - unresolved |
0005 | 16 Nov 2009 | IE | 7 | Rendering issue with in-page tabs - active tab still shows maroon line along lower edge: Possibly incorrect alignment of ".tabbed-on .index" in style sheet "kaa-content.css" - try "top: -.1em" in "kaa-content-ie7fixes.css". This is an old version of the browser (no longer supported) with known box-model rendering quirks - this issue will therefore be closed, unresolved. | Low | Closed - unresolved |
0004 | 16 Jun 2009 | All | Accented alphabetics and special symbols (e.g. copyright) are wrongly rendered in all browsers except Opera. Incorrect "charset" specification in header, now corrected. | Medium | Resolved | |
0003b | 14 Jun 2009 | Safari | 4.0 | The "Main Updates" table in the home-page side-bar renders incorrectly - the second column only renders for wide-screen mode, even when using normal display mode. This issue does not appear to occur in any other page. The issue was not present in version 3.2 and only appeared in version 4.0, which appears to share its rendering engine with Google Chrome. The cause was the "min-width" attribute set for that table type, causing this browser to incorrectly set the entire table to that width; removal of the caption and an alternative styling method has been used to resolve the issue. | Medium | Resolved |
0003a | 12 Jun 2009 | Google Chrome | 2.0 | The "Main Updates" table in the home-page side-bar renders incorrectly - the second column only renders for wide-screen mode, even when using normal display mode. This issue does not appear to occur in any other page. The cause was the "min-width" attribute set for that table type, causing this browser to incorrectly set the entire table to that width; removal of the caption and an alternative styling method has been used to resolve the issue. | Medium | Resolved |
0002 | 31 May 2009 | Opera | 9.64 | The buttons in both navigation bars do not size correctly - this appears to be a rounding error when calculating 12.5% (8 equal width buttons across the full width) because Opera truncates %s to an integer value before making calculations. A 2% boundary at each end of the navigation bars allows the eight buttons to occupy 12% each. | Low | Resolved |
0001 | 31 May 2009 | Firefox | 3.0 | Printing pages with sidebar content render incorrectly: main page content follows the sidebar content instead of alongside. Complete suppression of the sidebar does not completely resolve the issue, as Firefox throws a page after the masthead but before the main content. The current Firefox version is the only browser to show this problem and is quirky when printing a range of other websites - this issue will therefore be closed, unresolved. Serendipitously resolved in website v1.07 in which the 'style switcher' was replaced by automatic suppression of empty sidebars. | Low | Resolved |